ReEntry: Fresh Start
My Roles: Primary Developer
This is the first of two games made in partnership with Marquis Software – Offender Management Software to help prepare justice-involved citizens to successfully re-enter society. Learners practice making employment, social, financial, health, and personal decisions in an interactive, immersive environment. The intended purpose of the experience is to offer a fun way for learners can grow and prepare themselves for the challenges of the real world in a safe environment.
The game consists of a fairly robust in-game world filled with interactions. The game has a quest system, stat system, inventory system, and time and daylight systems. In hindsight, we probably chose more systems than were necessary for the experience – but they were all a lot of fun to work on!
Business Wire wrote a small article about its release: Simcoach Games and Marquis Software Development, Inc. Release Digital Simulations to Facilitate Societal Re-entry for Justice-Involved Citizens | Business Wire
Unfortunately, I’m not aware of a way the general public can get access to play. If it becomes publicly available I will update this page.